Sunday, 29 December 2013

Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook

Real Beauty Quotes Biography

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"God makes originals not carbon copies. It's okay to be inspired by someone, but be bold enough to be yourself." ~Tony Gaskins
"Get the World's Attention; so then you can change it." ~Dallas Lovato
"The dreams that you hold are beautiful gifts so don't be afraid to reach for the stars!" sent to us by @hotrod_chickidi
"'Don't be the moth. Be the light bulb.' When I say that I mean don't follow the crowd. Just shine. Be the light bulb. Do your thing. Pave your own path." ~Sara Paxton
"Once you embrace that WHO you are defines you, you can conquer the world. What matters is what's in your heart, what your goals are and what kind of life you want to lead." ~Shantel Van Santen
"Find it within you to love exactly who you are and to know you're capable, you're loved and you're beautiful. The world is a better place, because of you! You are unique, because there is only ONE of you!" ~Shantel Van Santen
"Believe in yourself. Tell yourself everyday "I am a talented person with a wonderful gift to give others!"" ~Shantel VanSanten
"If we all aim to love ourselves, every bit, we will become love and radiate beauty to all those around us." ~Shantel VanSanten
"Start to become active in what u love DOING. People admire action, courage&real happiness far more than they admire a size 2" ~Daphne Zuniga
Be strong, believe in who you are; be strong, believe in what you feel. - Daphne Zuniga
"No matter how many times you forget it, you can turn around and help someone. Or you can deliver a positive message or share with someone or just listen to someone share their story with you, it's just the best gift there is. And it's free." ~Eliza Dushku
"It gets better. It gets so much easier to be in your skin no matter what size that skin is. If you do something that you're good at and that makes you happy, that's the best outlet that I could ever suggest to anybody....if you are able to just enjoy who you are, and if you can learn to love who you are, then you'll just be a much happier person." ~Amanda Schull
"Ladies, no one can control how you feel about YOU. Be proud no matter what size or shape you are. Everyone is real beautiful" ~Richard Martinez
"You have value. You have worth.  You have to be able to look in the mirror and say “I am beautiful” because you are. You are worthy and you are allowed to love who you are." ~Richard Martinez
Go to a mirror and look at yourself.  Love YOU.  Love the total person in that mirror.  Not just the image.  You are worthy to be here. You are worthy to be happy.  You are worthy to love and to be loved.  Start with yourself and be worthy for you!  ~Richard Martinez
"I think beauty can't simply be described as physical, but it's your entire package. In the long run, physical beauty fades, and then what will you be left with? Your true beauty is what shines from within: your confidence, attitude, outlook, intellect, and love. These are the qualities you should nurture; they are what make you unique, and will ultimately enhance your own personal outlook, which is the most important. " ~Cindy Busby
"Everyone deserves to feel beautiful." ~Savannah Outen
"Live your life to the fullest potential. YOU are so beautiful. YOU are perfect. Don't you ever feel like you aren't. You deserve to be here. Fight for your dreams, love yourself, and be happy." ~Savannah Outen
"Every person has God-given gifts; when you're using those gifts in your life then you're fulfilling your purpose, and that is beautiful." ~Shane Harper
"No one needs to be a certain size, or a certain weight, to be beautiful. Beauty simply isn't about that. Not to sound cliche but beauty is totally in the eye of the beholder, and highly subjective. You could be totally unappealing to one person, but to another you could be a dream. So it's not really about trying to fit into some imaginary model of what you think beauty is supposed to be. It's about doing your best to be as healthy, happy, and confident as you    can be, and loving yourself whatever the outcome. Oh, and locating the people who think you're a dream! They're out there, trust me." ~Mike Peralta
"Love yourself for being you. Love yourself for being alive!" ~Mike Peralta
"Every woman is beautiful in her own special way and deserves to be celebrated!" ~Brinn Black
"A woman can be called the most beautiful woman in the world but if she doesn't feel beautiful within herself, no one will even see the outer beauty! That is what true beauty is to me." ~Brinn Black
"ALWAYS believe in yourself and with that confidence you can do anything and reach any dream you want to!" ~Brinn Black
"I'll say this much, life would be dull if I didn't laugh a million times a day. It makes everything better and brighter. We need to look for the beauty in all things and in ourselves...'cause we all have plenty to spare!" ~Andrea Marchant
"Beauty isn't skin deep. Beauty is a smile that makes others feel warm inside. Don't strive to be "pretty". Learn that you're real beautiful." ~Emily Grace
"I always say my friends are beautiful for the hearts they have and the passion they give to anyone’s lives. Girls don’t have to be princesses to be beautiful.  It can be pouring with rain, we could be covered in mud, and we could be experiencing the roughest day, but as long as your heart is in the right place you are more beautiful than ever.  You may not feel it, but to the world you are sparkling." ~Dani Geddes  
"I’d like everyone to know on these good or bad days that you’re worth it.  I’d like you to think that a smile is the best make up you could ever think was invented. I guess it can hide just about anything and you wonder when somebody tells you you’re beautiful even though you feel like your not it’s not your best day, but the thing is what they are telling you is true.  Remember there are no mistakes, only lessons.  Love yourself, trust your choices, and everything is possible." ~Dani Geddes
"Forget everything you've learned from TV and magazines. True Beauty comes from inside - how you feel about yourself. Find a way to Love yourself, and remember: There really is something beautiful about everyone. Find what your strong points are, that's where you start." ~CM French 
"Awareness of others is a beautiful thing. Learning how to support and encourage, and stopping long enough to pay attention to someone other than yourself, is a truly beautiful quality. There are a thousand beautiful things we can find about ourselves." ~India de Beaufort
"Listen to your heart, your mind, your body, your soul. You're the only one who can hear them. They know the truth - that you are beautiful." ~Melanie Notkin
"Beauty is the light that shines from someones eyes or the happiness in their laugh." ~Karen Waldrup
"Whether you are looking in a mirror or taking a glance into your heart and soul, there is beauty to be found there. Search for YOUR beauty and when you find it, HOLD IT HIGH!! Be beautiful for yourself. Be so convinced of your unique beauty that everyone around you can’t help but be convinced as well" ~Mykell
"We have got to stop letting other people define beauty for us and define beauty for ourselves!" ~Mykell
"Find something - anything - that makes you feel happy, confident, or hopeful. Try to incorporate it into your daily life in some way. Take your attention off yourself & all the things you find "wrong." When you're working toward a goal or giving back the other things become a LOT less important." ~Ms Nix
"No one has ever looked in the mirror or at their life and thought "Yup. Perfect." There's a reason for that...perfection isn't the point." ~Ms Nix
"The secret ingredient to confidence is gratitude. No one is exempt from having days where they question their value or their self image. The most important thing I’ve learned is that when I have those days I get to pull out my invisible self-check list and mark off the things I absolutely love about me. It’s my little reminder that I really am fearfully and wonderfully made." ~Amber Sweeney
"Beauty is an intangible gift that every human holds within them. It is something we reflect from the depths of who we are through the relationships we have around us. That’s why the most beautiful characters in the stories we love are not simply pleasant to look at, they are the ones who touch the core of our being with their humility, their strength, and their compassion." ~Amber Sweeney
"Keep up the good fights! As my friend Graham Lake says, "A good fight is one you always win!"  ~Sent to Us from Amber Sweeney
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook
Real Beauty Quotes Tumblr On Life On Love On Friendshiop For Girls For Her in Hindi For Friends Images On Friendship For Facebook

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